На нашей школьной кухне, на уроке домоводства по проекту COMENIUS наши ученики вместе с гостями готовили португальское блюдо “BACALHAU À BRÁS”, основной ингредиент которого - треска и картофель.
(enough for 4)
- 450g salted cod fillet pieces.
- oil for deep frying the potatoes
- 35-40g extra virgin olive oil (for the onions and cod)
- freshly milled black pepper
- some parsley or fresh coriander for decoration
- some black olives for decoration
1. Wash off any excess salt from the cod pieces, put them in a large bowl and cover with at least 3 times their volume of cold water, place the cod in the fridge for 24 hours, changing the water at least 4 times. You don’t need to remove all the salt from the fillets, just re-hydrate and remove the excess salt, if in doubt pick a little bit of flesh from the centre to taste how salty it is.
2. Peel and cut potatoes into matchstick strips and cut them as thin as possible. Then fry the matchsticks in a deep pan of oil until golden. Before frying it’s best to wash off excess starch so they don’t stick to each other and drain them well. Deep fry over high heat otherwise they’ll soften and soak up oil.
3. Cut the onion in fine julienne strips, add the garlic which has been crushed and fry over a low heat in the olive oil, when translucent add the cod which has been flaked, making sure there are no small bones left in the fish, then add the potatoes chips. Heat everything through but do not burn, just enough until everything is soft and starting to brown. It is not necessary to season with salt as the cod should add enough to the dish but taste it and add some if needed. At this point you can remove the cloves of garlic or leave them in if you like.
4. Finally, add the beaten eggs to the mixture, which will result in a creamy. Mix in the eggs over medium heat being careful to not overcook or your dish will be dry, you want to get it to a creamy but not completely set, scrambled egg/omelette type constituency.
5. Serve with some chopped parsley or coriander for colour, a sprinkle of freshly milled pepper and some black olives to decorate
and for taste, yummy!